Hope Center Room Adoption

This year, we are excited to partner with Hope Center Indy to adopt a residential room at the facility. The mission of Hope Center is to impart hope and healing to every heart, with special emphasis on the restoration of women overcoming sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, and addictions. They offer three transforming programs to provide Christ-centered healing and residential care to survivors.

Mission Uprising has the opportunity to adopt up to three (3) bedrooms for the Hope Center residence program. We can raise awareness, serve together by painting or decorating, pray over the center, and raise funding to furnish a residential bedroom or multiple rooms. We are so excited to see God move and to be a part of it!

Scroll to explore how to come alongside the project!


“We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go.”


We want to invite you to join us.

There will be little fruit without your strength. We need you alongside us to pray for what God has - to be obedient in understanding the bigger vision for this partnership and to bring truth and healing locally. Your prayer and provision is vital.

We are partnering with Hope Center Indy to meet the following needs.

Join us as a prayer team member, to offer time and talents to help furnish or decorate a room, or if you want to support Mission:Uprising financially, know that we are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is primarily supported by the donations of committed families and individuals like yourself. All donations are fully tax-deductible.

Be part of the mission

  • Up to (3) rooms can be adopted, depending on funds and materials donated. Money raised will be used to purchase decor items, paint, furniture, and flooring if needed. The average cost to completely furnish an adopted room is $1,000. Any amount gifted will support the Hope Center project needs.

    Donate time and talent by helping decorate the room(s) or install flooring in the largest room available (500 sq ft). Email us if you want to help on site for the project. Volunteers must be approved through Safe Visitor. Minors are not eligible to volunteer at the center.

    Donate goods like furniture, bathroom furnishings, bedding to help furnish and decorate the adopted rooms. Click for a list of items needed to furnish and decorate. Email us if you have matching furnishings to provide.

  • Praying for the partnership before, during, and after. We would love to share progress with you so we can all be praying for what God has during the project.

    Be a part of the Prayer Team

  • There are a few opportunities to support this project. This includes providing matching furniture and decor for each room, painting, floor installation, decorating, and the opportunity to fund the space. Explore needs below or donate now.